16+ Semi Independent Living
Young People and Care Leavers
Empowering care leavers and young people that are looked after to assist them gain independence is our goal. By teaching vital life skills and providing the necessary housing support, we assist vulnerable young people in learning what it takes to secure housing and obtain employment.
We provide a range of semi-independent living (SIL) services for young people in and leaving care and unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASC). Our SIL services operate on a spot purchase basis enabling us to work with any local authority to provide suitable support and accommodation to a young person aged 16+
These services are flexible to adapt to a young person’s changing support needs and we can offer a range of flexible support packages. Our teams work closely with the young person’s social worker or personal advisor to ensure that we are supporting local authorities with their corporate parenting responsibility.
We provide semi-independent accommodation and support for young people aged 16+ to enable a smooth transition to independence. Our focus is to work with individuals to support them to achieve their outcomes and aspirations e.g. gaining employment, training, apprenticeship, volunteering while focusing on harnessing the positives from each individual while offering a personalised compassionate environment to encourage and empower all young adults to grow and develop their independence, resilience and confidence.

We tailor young people’s support by assessing their needs and their pathway plan expected outcomes. We understand that young people will enter into our care with various additional needs such as:
- Challenging behaviour
- Asperges
- Mental health concerns
- Self-harming
- Mild learning disabilities
- Child sexual exploitation
- Drug and alcohol misuse
- Gang affiliation
- Criminal behaviour
- Sexualised behaviour
- Asylum Seekers 16+
- Refugee Minors Aged 16+
We continually strive to ensure that their experience while residing with us is a positive one.
Training & Workshop
This includes everyday life skills and previously inaccessible knowledge through the implementation of accredited AQA workshops.
Careers Advice & Work Placements
Many young people under our provision are provided with the correct tools to fulfill their true potential.
Personal Development
Our approach and some of the areas we explore are listed below.